
About Us?

 Kiam's Section of Amazingness

Hi. I'm Kiam. Well, that's what my friends call me but if you don't want to be my friend then you can just call me Nancy or something. Nancy sounds fancy and I don't think I'm very fancy.

I like crazy colored hair, penguins and free stuff.

I'm also a fan of music and I have an imaginary tortoise. He doesn't have a name yet but I promised him he'd get one when he becomes a reaaaal tortoise. Like Pinocchio. Holy crap I think I might have just discovered what his name would be. You've just been involved in a part of history.

Here is a picture of my newly named imaginary tortoise, Pinocchio:

Also, I suck at drawing.

 Kevin O: Entrepreneur/Legend

And in this next section I will introduce myself.
My name is Kevin O. I've been listening and creating music for like 15 years and in this it has given me a keen eye and a sharp tongue or pen. Once and again me and Kiam go to concerts together to partake in the sweet sounds of loud music.(We will document these encounters accordingly)
We originally decided to do this blog a few months ago but a bunch of things happened that we had no real control over. In the end, as you can plainly see, we have decided to try again.
Likes: Crystal Castles, Biggie, Interpol (for now), Bloc Party (get no respect), Freelance Whales, The Arcade Fire, Reading, Writing, and other things in general.

Read! Comment! Be Merry! (maybe there will be some free stuff in it for you)

P.S. I can see that Kiam surely does suck at drawing.

1 comment:

  1. If I squint I see a tortoise, otherwise its conga ants...
